Meet Action
Some entrepreneurs have a unique ability to see things others can’t. Others are doers who thrive on taking action. But a successful marketing effort needs
The Rules We Live By
Each of our team members agrees to a core business philosophy. Here are just a few of the most important ideas core to our operation:
We’re a Christian-Owned Business
This business was founded by a passionate Christian and on the principles of Christianity. We make decisions prayerfully, respect all people, and do our best to honor God with our work.
We Radically Overcommunicate
At Skyview Marketing, we use consistent, thorough, and frequent communication to keep everyone in the know. Most communication is asynchronous, meaning it is more thoughtful and less fluffy.
We Take a Consultative Approach
An old saying goes, “If you have a hammer, everything’s a nail.” We don’t think that way. If you don’t need something, we won’t sell it to you. If you need it, we’ll tell you, and help you understand why.
Our team
We strive to be the best in class
Building this business brought with it an unexpected surprise. Working with my team is one of the great pleasures of my life. Their genuine care for our clients, commitment to their craft, and overall zest for life is inspiring. I’d love you to get just a small glimpse of their personalities.
— Steve









You Rock! This is great. You have made this experience so stress-free! I’m excited to focus on writing and promoting, knowing I don’t have to worry about tech stuff for the website.
– Leslie Davis | HeartCall Minisries