

Why Your Stories DO Matter Here's Why Your Stories DO Matter! Whenever a new client or a customer comes to your website or is ...

How to Make the Best Use of Your Marketing Resources

Your business’s marketing team is the voice of your company. Not only do they think about what to say, but they think about how to say it, when it ...

Profiles That You Need to Set Up for Your Business

Today, everything is digital. Even if you run a traditional brick-and-mortar shop, the only way people are going to find you is online. It is more ...

Marketing Goals to Help You Rebuild a Business

When a business is on its last leg, sometimes people lose all hope it won’t fall. There are plenty of ways that you can start anew with a not-so-new ...

How Software Can Help Your Business Avoid Costly Mistakes

Every once in a while, you or your employees will make a mistake. Humans, after all, make errors from time to time even if they are experienced in ...

How to Get More Attention for Your Home Repair Business

Figuring out how to get more attention on your business can be difficult. When you’re running a home repair business, it’s important that you draw in ...

Why You Need to Introduce New Perspectives to Your Business

Figuring out how to draw people with diverse backgrounds and interests to your company may be on your priority list. But you may not have considered ...

How to be Interesting and Create a Following Online

Back in 2015, I started doing some work for a law firm. I was doing their IT work. And of course by that time I had already dabbled in website design ...

3 Ways to Honor God with Your Small Business

As a Christian, I am concerned with honoring God in all of my business endeavors. I am a firm believer that everything we do in our lifetime is for ...

Why is Website Design So Expensive?

Yesterday I came across a hilarious post inside of a mentoring community I am in. Mind you, the community is also a place for intramural ...

Technologies Your Business Needs to Adopt to Retain Customers

Building a business is an exciting thing that gives you opportunities to learn and grow as a person and a business owner. With the help of great ...

How to Leverage Your Customers to Grow Your Business

Growing your business presents unique challenges, but when you already have customers who love your company, it can work to your advantage. You ...

How to Increase Customer Confidence in Your Business

Having a customer base is essential to the success and growth of your business. Without a clientele, your business wouldn’t even exist so it’s ...

Industries That Will Be Changed Forever After COVID-19

The pandemic has had a profound effect on the world generally, but there are several businesses that are likely to be permanently changed after the ...

How to Turn Around a Negative Customer Experience

It is a wonderful thing to have happy customers. Unfortunately, not every customer is going to be this way. Despite your best efforts, eventually, ...

How to Turn Around a Struggling Business

There are thousands of factors that can lead to your business struggling. COVID-19 has been the most prominent negator of business ...

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Lorem ipsum has become the industry standard for design mockups and prototypes. By adding a little bit of Latin to a mockup, you’re able to show clients a more complete version of your design without actually having to invest time and effort drafting copy.