

How to Keep Generating More Return Business

Having a loyal crowd of customers who will come back to your business is paramount to helping any business become successful. Getting the word out ...

How to Know if Your Business is Delivering Good Customer Service

As a small business, delivering quality customer service is an absolute must. Small businesses can live or die just because of the customer service ...

How Your Small Business Can Make a More Effective Use of Social Media

Content marketing is the most widely known method of digital marketing. It is an effective way to educate and delight customers. This is done by ...

3 Big Reasons Your Small Business Isn’t Growing

If your small business is not growing, then you need to figure out the reason. While you may fall into a handful of odd reasons that companies do not ...

How to Delegate Effectively for Marketing Success

The question of how to delegate effectively is a fair one. Many business owners are overwhelmed and unsure of how best to lighten the load. For ...

Common Questions to Consider When Creating a Call to Action for Your Marketing Campaign

When creating a CTA (call to action) for your marketing campaign, you want to make sure that it is effective and actually inspiring your customers to ...

The Power of Persuasion Marketing

Marketing in 2020 is proving to be a unique beast. The world has been through a terrible crisis known as COVID-19. It has been a formidable enemy, ...

The Power of a Marketing Plan

Does your business have a marketing plan? I'm always shocked to find when business owners do not have a plan for marketing their work, be it via ...

Free = No Commitment: The #1 Reason Why You Shouldn’t Offer Any Free Services

It's common for business owners who are just starting out to think they must free services in an effort to bring in new business. I've been guilty ...

What Your Business Can Do to Increase Sales Without Being Pushy

As a business owner, you know that you need sales for your business to survive. You also know that if you’re too pushy, you’ll likely lose both the ...

Discover a Prospect’s Search Intent to Get a High Google Search Ranking

As a marketing professional and web designer, pretty much every client I work with wants to get a high Google search ranking. After all, "first page ...

How to Clear the Logjam in Your Marketing Using the Power of Iteration

I often write about making online marketing simple. It is---or at least, it should be. But that does not mean it is easy to accomplish. It is, ...

Consistency + Relevancy + Transparency = Success

Everybody who runs a small business should be able to define what success looks like. The reason many can't get there is that they have vague ideas. ...

The Ripple Effect in Business and Ministry

In our numbers-obsessed culture, there's a tendency to devalue the work that we do if we don't hit some arbitrary goal that we've defined as ...

How to Create a Positive and Safe Work Environment for Your Employees

In today's society, having a safe working environment is critical to employee engagement and job satisfaction. Safety can be physical, mental, and ...

How to Become a Rockstar Employee (Advice For Aspiring Business Leaders)

As wisdom would have it, you cannot be a good leader until you learn to be a good follower! We've all heard the advice: You have to learn to follow ...

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Lorem ipsum has become the industry standard for design mockups and prototypes. By adding a little bit of Latin to a mockup, you’re able to show clients a more complete version of your design without actually having to invest time and effort drafting copy.